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Understanding Trends in Proliferation and Fragmentation for Aid Effectiveness During Crises

The global aid architecture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. It has evolved without a blueprint, with most of today’s aid principles and institutions resulting from debates and joint decisions made in past decades. As financial flows have increased, so too have the proliferation of official finance providers and implementing entities and the continued fragmentation of development activities. This working paper aims to update trends in the proliferation and fragmentation of aid architecture during the last two decades. It delves deep into the increased proliferation of official finance providers and aid fragmentation, likely contributing to increased transaction costs at the country level. This analysis is timely during overlapping crises worldwide that threaten to derail the achievement of the global development goals. Understanding these trends from the pre-covid period is vital to decision-making for better aid effectiveness for the benefit of official finance recipients and providers going forward.


  • Understanding Trends in Proliferation and Fragmentation for Aid Effectiveness During Crises

  • 7/19/2022 11:00:00 AM

  • 7/19/2022 11:00:00 AM

  • Development Finance (DFi)

  • General

  • English

  • World

  • Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships,International Financial Markets,Non Bank Financial Institutions,Globalization and Financial Integration

  • The global aid architecture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. It has evolved without a blueprint, with most of today’s aid principles and institutions resulting from debates and joint decisions made in past decades. As financial flows have increased, so too have the proliferation of official finance providers and implementing entities and the continued fragmentation of development activities. This working paper aims to update trends in the proliferation and fragmentation of aid architecture during the last two decades. It delves deep into the increased proliferation of official finance providers and aid fragmentation, likely contributing to increased transaction costs at the country level. This analysis is timely during overlapping crises worldwide that threaten to derail the achievement of the global development goals. Understanding these trends from the pre-covid period is vital to decision-making for better aid effectiveness for the benefit of official finance recipients and providers going forward.

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